Recurring and Non-recurring Addons

Addons are the extra charges implemented to a subscription apart from the base plan charge. There are two types of add-ons — recurring and non-recurring. A recurring add-on included in a subscription is charged as per billing frequency of subscription. A non-recurring add-on incorporated in a subscription will be immediately charged and once only. Also an add-on, which is non-recurring is not pro-rated on the basis of the billing cycle, but a recurring add-on is pro-rated based on billing cycle automatically.

An addon includes extra features that are not the part of the subscribed plan, however are made available to the customers on purchase of the addon.

Types of Addons

There are two types of add-ons :- Recurring and Non-Recurring

Recurring Addons

These add-ons are perfect when you want to bill your customer for the same feature every time. There can be an add-on that lets users to see their projects as Gantt charts. This add-on can be charged by you each time you charge for the plan to make it a recurring addon.

Non-Recurring Addon

Customers are charged only once for a non-recurring add-on. A separate invoice is raised for a one-time add-on. You can provide a one-time add-on that let customers to support all their info in the cloud. Normally, customers would not desire to save date often. This need would call for the definite occasion so saving data in the cloud can be a non-recurring add-on.

A non-recurring add-on is a service or product that has been modeled into the ChargeMonk, which does not revamp with the subscription however it is connected to it. A non-recurring charge is an ad-hoc charge against the customer and is not associated to any specific subscription. A non-recurring add-on can also be implemented against a customer record; in that case, it is not linked with any specific subscription. 


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